One of my favorite genres is action and this film has honorably set a high bar. Die Hard (1988) made every American audience gaze in awe at the the abilities of this badass cop named John McClane. This film also incorporates humor in a dangerous setting where terrorist hold hostages to rob a vault.Like most actions movies there's a large amount of explosions and gun fights, however there is one feature that makes McClane quite different from normal heros in action movies especially during this time and this is his mistakes. Many times we see the hero of American action movies know exactly what there doing, but it's not very realistic because not many people are prepared for the situation their put in, such as a terrorist attack in this film. It gives a "lets figure it out as we go one" type of mood which is defiantly expressed by the character.
A movie that will always linger in my favorites forever is Schindler's list(1998) I read both the novel and watched the film through eyes of tears. The film evokes emotions that no other film can, many of the times when we are faced with a sad story or film we like to tell ourselves its not real in order to separate ourselves from the horror, but unfortunately we are not able to this with this film. Every character represents a real soul that lie victim to the Holocaust.The film is not just a story, but part real years of suffering in Germany and this is what makes the film so meaningful. Schindler's list is a true masterpiece and will never be worth just Academy Awards because it speaks volumes of truth. I can honestly say that this film will change your life.
Lastly, though I do not follow a religious cult following of these novels or films, I do consider the film series one of my favorites. This would be "The Lord Of The Rings" (2001-2003). This film is obviously one that is both creative and complex which is what makes it entertaining. This fantasy adventure films keeps the audience interested throughout Frodo's adventure. One of the aspects that are inspiring is the production design. This detailed designed put in the film makes it that much more enjoyable to watch . No other film looks or feels like Lord of The Rings.