Clear references to film history, theory or genre topic
Unfortunately film history,theory and genre was something I forgot to mention in my research script .This would have been important when discussing the film The City of God. Since violence was taboo in Brazilian cinema, this film became very important because it was the first to break many boundaries. In addition though Goodfellas was not the first crime and violence film, it was part of the many gangster films that Warner Brothers had produced and became very successful. It The film did well in the box office and became wall known across the country.
Clear engagement with the target audience, scope and depth of argument
By presenting a clear research question and picking several scenes in which that support this research question I was able to give the depth to the argument. In addition I both compared and contrasted the films, so too look at both were very important because it is significant to point out how the films accomplished their independent success from each other, this highlighted in my genre foci. Other then the things previously listed I am not sure how else to target my audience besides clearly explaining my points and arguments.
Clear use of sources and structure of the script
Not only was it my first time doing a research script, it was also my first time using this format, so I was first very confused when first starting the script. In addition I was absent when the class went over the assignment so I was very lost in directions for this assignment. However in the end after talking to several students I understood the structure, though it was completed different to any other format I have ever used for a report, after doing this assignment I am completely comfortable and acknowledged the steps of the research script and the overall format. In addition the sources that were given especially the ones we had to do for homework helped to develop my ideas and understand the deeper means of violence in the film and how this effected the rest of the film as well as the deeper meaning behind it.
Video and audio elements are detailed clearly and coherently described and linked
The video and audio elements were very detailed and coherently described and are linked in my research log. After watching each film, I went through the film again skipping to the points in the film that would help support my research script. After choosing all the scenes I wanted, I then recorded these sections individually to properly analyze. After I then was able to record exactly what occurred in this scene, which included the shots, background music and any dialogue that the narrator was saying at the time to put in the visual and audio columns of the research script. To find the background music I looked at each films soundtrack and found the correct song that was playing at the time.

Both my films clearly relate to the topic, since a major theme of City of God and Goodfellas was the corruption of all authority weather it was the police or the gang, all power seemed to be in the wrong hands, since this was a major issue displayed I based my topic on it. By basing my topic on such a important part of both films it was easy finding insightful comparisons that brought out the deeper meaning. Furthermore since both my films were of the same genre, this helped in comparing because much similar themes were already there as well as some of the similar events in the plots. However even though their were many similarities, there were also many aspects that were different, I also pointed these out because I felt it was important in describing their differences due to their origins.
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