Friday, November 30, 2012

Documentary Preprodution Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage

1. Purpose:
We have gained equality for races, so why not love? Words like gay, lesbian, bisexual, and straight should be obliterated. For love is life’s greatest gift, and that love should not be tarnished by those who find it unnatural.

2. Contacts: (Possible) High School Students: Carlos Lozada (Agreed), Tony Mena, Katie Teele (Agreed) Adults: Mariono (Mom’s coworker)
3. Interview Questions:
1)Do you believe partnership is enough?
2)How does this make you feel in terms of equality for everyone?
3)What did you think of Tammy Baldwin as History’s first openly gay politician?
4)How do you feel when you hear about people who have committed suicide for being harassed for their sexuality?
5) How do your parents feel about your sexuality?
4. Shot list:
-B Roll of clips: Macklemore’s song “Same love” specifically the part where he says, “No freedom till we are equal. Damn right I support it” & “And a certificate on paper isn’t gonna solve it all but its a damn good place to start.”
-B Roll of clips: Tammy Baldwin, making history as the first openly gay politician
-B Roll of clips from tv shows that have started to accept gay couples
-Interview shots: Medium waist shots.
5.General flow:
-Open with Macklemore’s song “Same love” Introduce the issue of gay marriage
-Talk about how he supports gay marriage, link to how tv shows are beginning to support it as well.
-Start putting in interviews, lace them in.
-B Roll of Macklemore’s song when asking question about partnership, if it is enough.
-Cont with interview
-Cut to Clip of Tammy Baldwin.
-Ask Tammy Baldwin question.
-Ask how do you feel about the deaths surrounding one’s sexuality.
-Switch to teen committing suicide videos (youtube**cards) and clips from news, add a statistic
-Answer question, we need equality, too many lives have been shattered by this issue. People don’t feel equal, they feel inferior, that they are wrong leads to suicide depression in teens, change is necessary.
-End with Macklemore’s line: “And a certificate on paper isn’t gonna solve it all but its a damn good place to start.”
7.Production Schedule- Dates for interviews/B Roll:
Get interviews by: 12/7/2012
Project due: 12/14/12


  1. Wow. Powerful stuff you have here Taylor. I really like the concept because I feel sometimes people ignore what's really in front of them and ignore it until it grows and grows and ignites a major issue. It's a very bold claim, and that's why as Documentarian (is that a word lol) you should be careful not to lead one person in a certain opinion. Even though that idea makes extreme sense but being sensitive to the audience is what makes a good film. I also wish you good luck on B-ROLL, seems a bit complicated considering you might need to pulling out shots from other sources. Other than looks great! Good luck! :D

  2. You have to be very very very careful with this topic. That i cannot stress enough. You really have to try and portray two sides, when it is obvious which side of the issue you favor. You really have to be sensitive to the audience that will view it. However in terms of general flow, and B-roll, and structure, you'll be fine. its a good concept, but you really have to keep your passion for the issue under control. Good luck

  3. I believe this can become a very good documentary if it is handled and produced in the right way. Like Trevor said, you need to be extremely careful with this subject as this can be a touchy subject in todays society and an extreme stigma to certain audiences. For the actual film piece though this is a very developed piece you have here. some of the interviews might be a challenge though as just getting gay or lesbian people to come out and voice their opinions can be tough. Not only that, but none of the interviewees should be from our school or people that can be bullied upon for their views as this is a touchy subject for high school audiences to approach rationally. Pieces with the suicide can also be very powerful but then again we are in Highschool and this could be hard to depict in such a teen-oriented academic manner. the suicide parts could be considered too strong for this project and like Mr. Bigue says: If you wouldn't be comfortable showing this too your grandparents then it likely wont be successful in the IB classroom. Other than that, You have a really strong and promising idea and could potentially develop into a very good piece for this project. You also need to work on your schedule of filming the project as it seems very vague and not well mapped out which could lead to a lack of filmic qualities ruining the overall quality of your piece. You should have specific dates for the interviews, filming, and editing. But Overall, Good idea and develop it into a great idea.
